Blogger profile: Skylar Davies

Skylar Davies is a Product Marketing Manager at Gemalto, based in Ottawa, Canada. In this role, she is responsible for core message development, product positioning and marketing activities related to SafeNet KeySecure, and blogging about all things related to enterprise key management. Outside of work, Skylar is a travel enthusiast, a music lover, and believes in living a healthy and balanced lifestyle (think hot yoga, followed by a good bottle of wine shared with friends).

Blogs by this author

What is the Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) & the…

In today’s business world, the encryption of an organization’s sensitive data-at-rest must now be a fundamental component to any successful cyber security strategy. Whether the goal is compliance or securing data in the event of a possible breach or attack, encryption as well as access management, must be a part of an organization’s overall defense. With the increased number of encryption keys that an organization must managed, the Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP), provides a technology solution for this common issue that organizations are currently faced with.

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