We need your vote for SXSW 2015 panel pickers! Every year South by Southwest crowds descend upon Austin, Texas making the annual pilgrimage for music, films, food and SXSW interactive. SXSW has grown to be the biggest interactive, music and film event of the year and each year attendees vote for the panel discussion they want to hear. Our panel lineup covers a range of trends and topics that are impacting the world we live in from mobile payments, digital identities, to smart energy.
And without further ado the Gemalto panel pickers for 2015 are:
– Talking Trash – Create a Smart Recycling Center. Our expert demonstrates in 30 minutes how easy it is to build connected devices that can change the world we live in. This interactive session shows how easy it is to create applications that will bring new ideas to the internet of things.
– Mobile makes shopping up-close and personal. With all the new contactless and mobile proximity technologies that are launched in the market, it can be difficult to sift through them all. Our expert analyzes each technologies capabilities, security implications and consumer experience and ties it into the bigger picture of our mobile lifestyle and what we can anticipate in the next 5 years.
– Bringing smarts to the old social security card. What is a small piece of paper, given to you at birth, dates back to the 1930’s and holds the key to your identity, citizenship and employment eligibility? Answer: your Social Security card. Our expert will cover how smart card technology can be used to modernized the Social Security card, transforming it from a piece of paper to a durable plastic card with a chip that has the potential to save tax payers millions and reduce identity fraud.
– Keep trust alive – are you who you say you are? As the bridge between the digital and physical worlds becomes increasingly interconnected, capturing your identity and proving who you say you are will take on new forms and raise new questions. Today, our identities are use case specific – we have several forms of government issued IDs, digital personas, username and password, and the list goes on. Our expert will dive into the new identity ecosystem from issuers, to the authenticator, to individuals while addressing the technology advancements that will make this possible.