For ten years, the Gemalto Netsize Guide has taken the pulse of the mobile industry. It’s been a fascinating journey to watch how mobile communications have become intertwined in our lives. This year’s report looks into three areas of our lives; how we commute, how we work, and how we spend our leisure time.
You can download the full report here, but we thought we’d give you a visual illustration of how our world is evolving. Below you’ll find a few clips from our infographic that accompanies the guide. You can see the complete infographic here. No matter how you advanced you think we are now, in five years’ time, things are going to be very different.
First up is how we get around.
We all know the world of work is changing, with people requesting a more flexible approach to work/life balance. But behind the scenes a quiet revolution is taking shape where Machine-to-Machine technology is rapidly connecting devices hitherto offline. This will have real ramifications for many industries and could change much of people’s working lives.
We are also acutely aware of the impact that technology is having on our everyday lives. From wearables to smart home technology and mobile payments, everything is becoming more convenient thanks to technology.
A lot of these breakthroughs will come as The Internet of Things matures. It is already here, and it is certainly interesting to watch where it is heading.
How do our thoughts on our connected world measure up to your thoughts on the future? Do you think we’ve missed anything? Or perhaps we’re being overly optimistic! Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter @Gemalto.