Digital identity has never been more important. Whether it’s giving consumers a more secure, and easy way to prove who they are, or helping bring legal identity to those across the world – there have been many developments, debates and pieces of legislation brought to the forefront this year – many of which we have covered on this blog.
In case you missed any of them, we collected some of our highlights from the year.
Bringing greater user centricity in ID solutions
The paper provides a detailed overview of digital identity and the use cases driving wallet adoption, key architecture trends, standards and data models that will need to be considered when implementing e-wallets. We’re happy to have worked with the SIA on this important report – and in this blog we’ll give you an insight into what the full report covers.
How will digital ID evolve and bring greater user-centricity in the e-wallet era?
The importance of cyber security
Seemingly we can’t go a week without news of a data breach or cyber attack, with cyber criminals increasingly developing more sophisticated techniques. But what does this mean for digital identity. There has been a dematerialization of proving ones identity – which could further put consumer data at risk. In this blog from November, Kristal Teyras highlights the current landscape, and the measures that need to be taken to secure digital identity for all.
Digital ID : The Cyber Security Imperative
Biometrics enabling digital identity solutions
We’ve spoken in the past about the importance of a legal identity, and why biometrics is key in creating legal identities for all. In December, the Secure Identity Alliance (SIA) offered a deep dive into this very topic with a whitepaper, Biometrics in identity; Building safe and inclusive futures and protecting civil liberties. The report covers how biometric technology has evolved, latest developments and trends – and examples of biometrics in action. We’re happy to have worked with the SIA on this important report, contributing insights and examples of our technology in action across the globe. The full highlights can be found in this blog from Oscar Blasco Maestro.
The campaign for legal identity for all continues
Every year on the 16th September we recognise International ID Day. It’s an important and symbolic day in the fight for everyone to have a legal identity. The date is chosen in recognition of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 16.9 which calls for the provision of legal identity for all by 2030, including birth registration.
This year, we chose to highlight the work we do with ID4Africa. Founded in 2014 by Dr. Joseph Atick, ID4Africa is driven by the need to establish identity-for-all, not just as a legal right, but also as a practical necessity to enable inclusive access to services in Africa. The event, which takes place every year in a different African country, sees African governments come together alongside solution providers to discuss and explore how digital identity and aligned services can advance socio-economic development within their countries. This blog by Philippe Vallée, gives an overview of the campaign for legal identity, and key takeaways from this year’s ID4Africa event.
International ID Day: Shining a spotlight on legal identity
The countdown to EU Digital ID wallets
It’s not long until eIDAS2 comes into force. This new legislation means that each EU Member State must make a digital wallet available to every citizen and business who wants one. In tandem, service providers in both public and private sector organisations; such as banks and telcos; will have to accept it as proof of certain personal attributes. From providing electronic signatures to proving your identity, paying fines or accessing health services, EU citizens will be able to use the eIDAS wallet, in every Member State; generating millions of document verifications and online authentications every day.
So, how will this impact every day citizens? In this blog we looked at how digital ID wallets can be used in everyday life.
Digital ID – Day in the life of a digital citizen after eIDAS2
What is the appetite like for a digital ID wallet?
At Thales, in 2022 we conducted research with over 1,800 EU citizens across 7 countries. The research looked into current use-cases and pick up of digital ID solutions, consumer sentiment and expectations. In this blog we delved into the findings and insights.
What citizens want from a Digital ID Wallet
What will 2023 bring? As we enter the new year, keep an eye out for more news on Digital Identity