We were lucky enough to have made the registration list for Mobile Monday London’s mobile advertising and mobile marketing panel session on Tuesday afternoon. It was a packed room, with everyone listening intently to Russell Buckley (http://mobhappy.com) quiz the panellists in 15 minute slots (hence the ‘speed dating’) on their views of the industry. Thanks to the organisation of this event by @technokitten Helen Keegan, we heard about topics ranging from the effect of social media and social networking on mobile to innovations spotted at #MWC11 and where mobile advertising will head in future. I have covered some of the most interesting points made below. Do you agree with the panellists?
Talking mobile advertising – MoMoLo in Barcelona
Steve Jarrett, CEO of MePlease: Social media and social networking is becoming increasingly useful to find actual influencers. This helps brands to achieve true ROI as they can engage directly with the influencers for honest feedback.
George Nimeh, iboy: What is mobile advertising nowadays? It’s about deeper and longer term relationships with your customers. The ecosystem is getting smaller as people rely more and more on their friends and personal recommendations. www.i-boy.com/weblog
Daniella Alpher, head of advertising, fring: Mobile advertising is scaling but the ads aren’t yet on the same level as the industry. Any engagement needs to be fun and easy for consumers to try new things.
John Roberts, co-founder of Qustodian: Most people don’t really want ads on their phone – we need to offer them something that’s of interest or doesn’t interrupt what they are doing. You need to let them still be in control and make it fun and relevant to them.
Nick Hynes, co-founder of Somo: Mobile advertising only works when it’s permission-based. And it only works if you give something back to the customer. Something of value. A good example is to consider how air miles work – the customer eventually gets something back that is useful.
Tim Hussain, BSkyB: The integrated sell is what works best – tying mobile into TV and online. Marketing budgets are decreasing and we need to recognise that there isn’t a separate pot for mobile, but that it will come from other marketing budgets. For me, one of the key innovations that I’ve seen at the show so far is that the operators are starting to come together on the likes of LTE. Ultimately, to provide our services in the mobile space we need decent networks.
Pamir Gelenbe, Venture Partner, BBV: We’ve seen plenty of research showing that mobile is now happening. I can really say, from what I’ve seen at #MWC11 so far, that mobile is really taking off. We have the full ecosystem, Groupon has helped the industry come on in leaps and bounds.
So all in all a fascinating event and confirms a couple of our beliefs: A. As John Roberts said the ad needs to be of specific interest to the user (ie. targeting) and B. Mobile advertising only works when it’s permission-based (thanks to Nick Hynes for that one). What do you think? Read more about our mobile marketing services here.