Tag: CIO

Are UK companies being left vulnerable by their CIOs?

We had a great reaction from our followers on our research into the issues that are keeping CIOs awake at night. Here on the blog we discussed the findings across the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the USA and the Nordics. Let’s take a look the UK findings in more detail. If you’ve seen or shared […]

Mind your thoughts, they could be hacked

As a child, I often wondered whether my thoughts were visible to others in a cloud above my head. (I had obviously been reading too many comics where dialogue and monologues are depicted as such.) Thankfully the wisdom of age has shown this not to be true, but such an invasion of your privacy is […]

Is virtualization a security risk? The CIO verdict

As part of our recent look at CIOs’ views on all things security, we asked the world’s IT leaders for their views on virtualization. As one of the most successful technologies of recent years, virtualization was simply too big a subject to ignore. It is commonly accepted that virtualization brings with it some element of […]

Security vs Convenience: What are today’s CIOs prioritizing?

In the latest of our posts looking at results of our recent CIO Research project we’re focusing the debate of security versus convenience. Many still consider the two to be mutually exclusive, but does this necessarily need to be the case? I blogged on this topic back in March, following a similar article by Per […]

Will Marissa Mayer bring strong authentication to Yahoo!?

Marissa Mayer’s appointment as Yahoo!’s new CEO has captured the attention of the world this week. By all accounts, she is an extremely accomplished professional. Let’s take a look at her background and achievements, aptly summarized by Tim Bradshaw: Firstly, she has a master’s degree in computer science from Stanford University where she focused on […]