Blogger profile: Thales DIS

The company behind our blog. Anonymous authors and former employees are assigned the Thales DIS pen name. You are still welcome to add your comments and contact us regarding these subjects.


Blogs by this author

A new era of age verification

There are many scenarios where we might need to prove our age – from ordering an alcoholic drink in a bar, to applying for a job, buying medication, or accessing age restricted content online. And while most people currently use physical documents (such as a passport or a driving license) to verify their age, we […]

PSD3: What is this new regulation and how does it…

If you work in the banking or payments industry, then no doubt you would have heard about the new Proposed Services Directive… also known as PSD3. But what does the new proposed regulation mean? How does it differ from PSD2? When does it come into force? We’ve summarised all you need to know below. What […]

Getting your organisation post-quantum ready

While quantum computing is still very much in its early stages, it’s important that companies are already thinking about this evolving technology – and more importantly implementing and stress testing much needed solutions suitable for a post-quantum world. In this blog series we have already discussed the evolving threat that is quantum computing, the need […]

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