Blogger profile: Neville Pattinson

Manages government programs and affairs for North America; passionate about security and identity initiatives and actively volunteers expertise with multiple industry groups for thought leadership and advocacy. Blogs written here are on behalf of Gemalto.

Blogs by this author

Moving Medicare cards into the 21st century

I recently spoke on a panel at the Smart Card Alliance’s 14th Annual Government Conference on an issue I frequently discuss—moving Medicare into the 21st century with electronically readable cards. The issue is highly topical in Washington, D.C. because of two recent developments: the signing by President Obama of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act […]

More than EMV: President Obama’s executive order paves the way…

Last week President Obama signed an executive order that is getting a lot of attention for mandating “Chip & PIN” EMV technology for all federally-issued payment cards and terminals.  My colleague, Philippe Benitez, wrote a great piece about it here. It’s understandable that EMV is in the spotlight these days as the entire nation is […]

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