Blogger profile: Xavier Larduinat

Xavier Larduinat is the Marketing & Communication manager for Innovation at Thales, in charge of promoting Thales as a leading technology brand to provide solutions to secure the Digital World. Prior to working in the Digital Security market since 2001, Xavier Larduinat spent 14 years in the Semiconductor design and test industry with multiple international Product Marketing assignments including Germany, San Jose, CA and Austin TX. Xavier Larduinat holds a MS degree in Electronics Engineering from INSA Lyon, France, in 1987

Blogs by this author

Securing a platform – it’s a three-way approach

The opening up of enterprise IT due to the effects of consumerization is resulting in ever increasing complexity of the infrastructure with a myriad of devices and applications crowded together. Gartner predicts that by 2017, half of employers will require their employees to bring their own devices to the office. This will benefit organizations and […]

Why we can’t just rely on central databases for authentication

We now live in an age where reliable and fast information is of paramount importance in our daily lives. Whether banking, communicating, negotiating, or doing any form of business, information on-demand is crucial. Unfortunately, as we’ve become more dependent on access to on-demand banking, contact details, messaging etc., we’ve at times allowed vulnerabilities into our […]

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