Category: Featured

The 4 Stages of Breach Trauma

Breaches happen; of course they do. Over the years I have seen organizations suffer both internal and external attacks – from naive misuse of computer systems or contraventions of what constitutes acceptable use, right up to fully fledged attempts at data hacking, fraud or extortion. Sometimes CIOs respond quickly and effectively, accepting responsibility and taking […]

A Prescription for Healthcare Data Protection

When we think about industries and the significant challenges with handling PII and PCI, the ecosystem surrounding healthcare bears specific attention. In today’s world this medical ecosystem has undergone significant change based on the following criteria: Changes in What Constitutes Healthcare –  the amount of healthcare options available to consumers has grown significantly – from […]

Getting Your Head Out of the Cloud (and Your Business…

What is the allure of the cloud? Sure, there’s the cost savings and flexibility when trying out new ideas and proofs of concept; not having to commit to acquiring all the necessary infrastructure and the associated CapEx costs. There’s even an entire market segment out there, devoted to helping you maximize cloud spending and efficiency. […]

3 Steps to Unsharing and Protecting Sensitive Data

In today’s global economy, data is king. Organizations are mining their available data to personalize customer experiences, automate processes, outperform the competition, and guide other important business initiatives and decisions. As a result, they’re not only producing more of it, but they’re also storing, processing, and distributing it in more places. So what does that […]