Category: Germany

SMS is still a winner: Why Eurovision is wrong to…

On Saturday night, Informa’s Camille Mendler tweeted her frustration that UK viewers of the Eurovision Song Contest could not enter their votes by text. In questioning the decision, she referred to SMS as Europe’s ‘most ubiquitous and cheap communications method’. Research from Camille’s parent company, Informa, has today proved unequivocally that this assertion was correct. […]

Is Facebook Secure Enough for Kids Under 13?

This week, the Wall Street Journal reported that Facebook is working on technology that would let children younger than 13 years old use the site under parental supervision.  This would be a dramatic change from the current setup, where you must be at least 13 years old to sign up and use the network. CNN […]

mBanking’s Big Advantage

As one billion people turn to mobile phones and tablets to access the Internet, eBankers are seizing the opportunity to significantly enhance the security of their online banking and e-commerce, enable peer-to-peer mobile money, and develop a new mBanking channel.