Passports are becoming highly secure pieces of art
Posted on 11 October 2016 by
Governments are deploying the latest security techniques to bring a touch of wonder to identity documents
Posted on 11 October 2016 by
Governments are deploying the latest security techniques to bring a touch of wonder to identity documents
Posted on 21 December 2012 by
Following my recent post on just how free America is when it comes to enterprise security and the CIO responsibility I had an interesting exchange on LinkedIn with a peer, Anders Rundgren of PrimeKey Solutions, who evolved the discussion. I like to share these conversations on our blog as I advocate the education and analysis […]
Posted on 05 November 2012 by
The Nordic region has long been considered a liberal, forward-thinking group of countries with a pioneering approach to technology. In our recent research of CIOs, one statistic in particular appeared to show that this view is more than just a stereotype. When asked which was the more important – ‘security and strong authentication’ or ‘convenience […]
Posted on 17 August 2012 by
As part of our recent look at CIOs’ views on all things security, we asked the world’s IT leaders for their views on virtualization. As one of the most successful technologies of recent years, virtualization was simply too big a subject to ignore. It is commonly accepted that virtualization brings with it some element of […]
Posted on 24 July 2012 by
In the latest of our posts looking at results of our recent CIO Research project we’re focusing the debate of security versus convenience. Many still consider the two to be mutually exclusive, but does this necessarily need to be the case? I blogged on this topic back in March, following a similar article by Per […]
Posted on 09 July 2012 by
Chief Information Officers are always faced with the same balancing act when it comes to security. On the one hand, they must maintain sufficient control over their IT resources to protect assets and sensitive data, while on the other hand, they must ensure controls are not so stringent that employees are discouraged from embracing IT and technological innovation, or attempt to bypass them completely.