Category: US

Opt-in for mobile permission marketing

In the mobile industry permission marketing is a new buzz word. But what does it mean exactly? According to marketing guru Seth Godin: “permission marketing is the privilege (not the right) of delivering anticipated, personal and relevant messages to people who actually want to get them.”  It realizes that treating people with respect is the best […]

Is the US Getting Closer to Adopting Mobile Payments?

Are we getting closer to the day where we can pay for goods and services with our mobile phones?  All signs seem to be pointing to ‘yes’ with major telecom operators, card issuers and handset manufacturers on board with the idea.  Here are but a few of them. Isis, a mobile commerce joint venture between […]

Pros and cons of mobile tokens in authentication

I recently discussed the future of the online banking industry and how the FFEIC should shape its next set of guidelines to ensure the safety of both banks and their customers in the years ahead. However, one area which I didn’t explore in that post is the mobile platform, and the role it has to play […]

Introducing gaming security

In the wake of high-profile leaks, breaches, and hacks at large companies I took some time to reflect on my experiences as a gamer. I can’t argue that I’ve had the longest or most successful gaming career, but I certainly have enjoyed being a part of a community and ecosystem that is unique to my […]

Securing the game

There are several aspects of a game that present security challenges for the gaming experience. Developers address most of these challenges themselves because the exposures represent first order issues to be tackled during the software development phase of game production. Another reason developers have a vested interest in this layer is the fact that these […]

SpyEye targets security blindspots

According to this article from USA Today last week, cyber-attacks are set to increase over the remainder of this year due to the widespread availability of a new SpyEye hacker toolkit. The software allows hackers or cybercriminals to control a network of up to thousands of botnets, which can then be used for spamming, DDOS […]