Identity & Biometric Solutions

Five steps to secure eResidence Permits

What are EU eRPs? An eResidence Permit (eRP) is a crucial document that allows foreign nationals to stay in the European Union (EU) beyond the initial three months. It serves as a legal proof of residence and provides essential information about the holder’s status. In light of recent incidents involving high-quality eRP counterfeits, there are […]

Emerging digital identity trends for 2024

Whether we actively think about it or not, we are constantly verifying our identity as part of our everyday lives. Monitoring digital identity trends is therefore more important than ever. From showing our passports at border control, to buying alcohol and even unlocking our phones, proving our identity is a central part of countless daily […]

Securing eGovernment services with Post-Quantum Cryptography

Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) is a new technology designed to defeat brute force attacks performed using quantum computers, which have the potential to break many of the commonly used cryptographic algorithms today. As quantum computing technology advances, traditional cryptographic systems, such as RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), will become vulnerable to attacks due to their […]

What could passports look like in 20 years?

In the next two decades, passports are poised for transformative changes. With the rapid pace of digitalization, many are questioning whether, in 2044, physical documents will still be prevalent and how the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) could revolutionize document design and verification. Although increasingly digital, physical passports are likely to remain a staple. By […]