
Showcasing NFC & more at CTIA Wireless

CTIA Wireless 2011 is coming up next week and Gemalto is set to demonstrate a host of NFC enabled solutions. NFC has certainly become a hot topic of late, with many annoucnements at Mobile World Congress

SXSWi: Mobile Payments and the Virtual Wallet

Another SXSWi in Austin, Texas has come and gone and if you’ve ever been, you can likely attest to it being bigger (and crazier!) than ever. We focused our time on sessions that we felt had the most impact and insight into our digital lives – and no surprise, this year, most were focused on mobile – in particular mobile payments

Mobile Retail Masterclass

The Mobile Retail Masterclass recently held in London and run by the folks at, put retailers and solution providers together in the the same room to discuss this burgeoning market.

NTT Docomo starts the LTE race in Japan

LTE is in the news, making headlines – from reviews of the industry’s first LTE phone to our own previous blog posts on LTE in the States. It’s encouraging to follow the progress that is being made, which is also apparent further afield, namely in Japan.