Enterprise Security

Strong authentication, not ‘snail mail’, is the answer to cybercrime

In early nineteenth century England, members of the ‘Luddite’ movement protested against the onset of the industrial revolution by destroying the machinery which they believed was jeopardising their careers as skilled tradesmen. Since then the term has become synonymous with all of those who shun technological progress in favour of more antiquated methods. There is […]

RSA Conference 2012: First thoughts from the show floor

My feet have barely touched the ground at this year’s RSA Conference, and already there are too many talking points to mention. One thing which immediately struck me is the sheer number of people attending this year compared to 2011. The reason for this, which RSA president Art Coviello addressed in his opening keynote: the […]

RSA 2012 – Keeping the Cloud secure

RSA 2012 is the biggest event in the security calendar. I’m here in San Francisco immersing myself in a buzz of activity and discussion about the latest cyber threats, data breaches, risk management and cloud security. But despite all the hustle and bustle I can’t keep away from my favourite blogs and wanted to share […]

Cyber Attacks on the Grid – The Physical Consequences of…

At the RSA Conference this year, FBI Director Robert Mueller stressed the government’s increased interest and attention to online threats, even stating that cyber attacks on the grid may become more of a threat than physical terrorism. They are changing the strategy of FBI operations, taking lessons learned from fighting terrorism and applying them to […]

Just another word or two – passphrases vs passwords

We have blogged many miles of space about the dangers of protecting your business assets with a simple username and password solution. Now there is a new trend using passphrases as a beefed up type of authentication. The problem is, there’s not much meat to this solution. Passphrases are basically a group of dictionary words […]

Can healthcare survive a digital security scare?

I remember the time of corduroy, vinyl records, saddle shoes, and microfiche. When I think of these things now, I am thankful for Bluetooth music streaming, one-click online shopping and the MapQuest app on my phone. It makes you wonder why – in this day and age –  people’s names, social security numbers, wage information […]