Enterprise Security

Demystifying the India Data Protection Bill, 2018: Part 1 of…

The ‘Personal Data Protection Bill, 2018’ was built on the edifice that ‘Right To Privacy’ is a fundamental right of Indian citizens, the Personal Data Protection Bill, 2018 is expected to completely transform the way organisations collect, store, share and process the personal data of Indian citizens. Learn more about the nine stated objectives of the bill, how the bill defines sensitive personal data, applicability, compliance, penalties, and more.

How Brexit Impacts the Future of Europe’s Cybersecurity Posture

The British parliament has been unable to agree the exit package from the European Union. With the possibility of a “no deal” departure looming, EU leaders have granted a six-month extension to Brexit day. But the uncertainty that still lingers with regards to Britain’s future, creates various opportunities which cyber criminals could try to exploit.

Introducing gaming security

In the wake of high-profile leaks, breaches, and hacks at large companies I took some time to reflect on my experiences as a gamer. I can’t argue that I’ve had the longest or most successful gaming career, but I certainly have enjoyed being a part of a community and ecosystem that is unique to my […]

Securing the game

There are several aspects of a game that present security challenges for the gaming experience. Developers address most of these challenges themselves because the exposures represent first order issues to be tackled during the software development phase of game production. Another reason developers have a vested interest in this layer is the fact that these […]