Tag: 3G

LTE World Summit: Seamless connectivity is the key to customer…

The subject of indoor vs. outdoor mobile internet access is much debated. Currently, consumers have very different expectations when they access the internet via a mobile device indoors, and when they do so outdoors. As Dean Bubley highlighted on his blog recently, most users expect to jump through a small hoop, like ‘watching an advert, […]

A look back at GITEX

The 2013 Gulf Information Technology Exhibition is all wrapped up for another year. The exhibition was a success on many levels and once again brought forward the world’s leading technology to be on display at the Dubai World Trade Center. The 33rd edition of GITEX, which ran under the theme “let’s Create, Disrupt and Re-imagine […]


The office of the past, present and future – Part…

As we leave 2013 behind us and firmly embrace 2014, many of us are making New Year’s resolutions that we may or may not keep. How many of you have resolved to get fitter, go jogging or kick a ball about in the yard more frequently? How many of you have told yourselves you’ll learn […]

Travelling abroad – the mobile as your constant companion

On a governmental level, while the new EU roaming legislation is clearly decreasing the roaming prices, it is also a big opportunity for operators to convince ‘roaming sleepers’ to wake up. More than a quarter of European visitors today turn their phones off. If operators hope to compensate for the price decrease with an increase […]

Morse Code: How did it change communication?

In today’s society, instantaneous messaging is something we both need and expect in our everyday lives. Just think about the number of times you rely on it in a single day; work emails, IMing colleagues, WhatsApping friends. It’s almost impossible to cast your mind back to what communication looked like centuries ago.