Tag: Authentication

Why use secure eBanking devices?

Using secure eBanking devices reduces online fraud because a hacker cannot access (or take) money from your online banking accounts using only your stolen login information. The hacker would also need the device, a smart bankcard and reader or a secure USB token. Still not convinced you should use secure eBanking devices? Read on!

How to use your mobile authentication

Mobile phones are fast moving beyond communications, beyond gaming, social and productivity tools, to take on a vast number of new applications thanks to the use of NFC-based technology and data services. We’re theoretically able to unlock hotel rooms, pay for groceries, secure deals with location-based vouchers and work on the go. We can do […]

Mind Your PVQs

Bruce Schneier’s recent post in which he said that secret questions had reached a ‘new low’ may have shocked some casual observers, but for me it simply underlines a problem which is all too common. Personal verification questions (PVQs) and answers have been the de facto solution for forgotten passwords since the creation of email […]

It’s good to talk: communication is key to tackling cybercrime

Recently, @briankrebs highlighted a Trojan attack which showed quite how sophisticated some cyber attacks are now becoming. The case in question is being investigated by German police, and involves a new piece of malware which convinces online banking customers to willingly transfer their own money into the accounts of criminals. This particular case shows that, sometimes, even a layered […]

CIO research – your questions wanted

We’re shortly going to be researching CIOs globally on their views on security and authentication. What their concerns and pressure points are, what the barriers to implementing stronger security seem to be and where responsibility for security sits within an organization. However, we’d like YOU to pose the questions.

What would you ask?