UK consumers are ready to adopt the new biometric payment…
Posted on 06 November 2018 by
Gemalto surveyed 821 consumers in the UK to evaluate their perception of the biometric EMV card.
Posted on 06 November 2018 by
Gemalto surveyed 821 consumers in the UK to evaluate their perception of the biometric EMV card.
Posted on 01 November 2016 by
The first of a 2-part series from guest contributor James Wester, research director at IDC Financial Insights.
Posted on 18 March 2014 by
There’s no doubt that EMV credit cards are finally making their way to the United States. It’s almost become old news that all of the major credit card issuers in the U.S. have begun issuing EMV cards to a portion of their customers and are steadily working towards converting all of their cards to EMV. […]
Posted on 27 February 2014 by
The way that we make credit card transactions is going to change as EMV cards become more common (those are credit cards with a chip). In the U.S. we’ve become accustomed to making a credit card transaction with a swipe. But EMV cards aren’t swiped. Instead, they are “dipped” into the payment terminal, and left […]
Posted on 24 September 2013 by
In its recently released Hype Cycle for Financial Services Payment Systems report, Gartner gave warning of increasing payment card fraud in the U.S., highlighting EMV (‘chip and pin’) payment cards as the preferred solution. According to Gartner, “U.S. banks should recognize that fraud will likely increase exponentially and with little warning. They should develop an EMV-centric […]
Posted on 12 June 2012 by
The internet will only get bigger and better. Or, that’s an impression you get from reading some of the reports compiled by the likes of Boston Consulting Group, McKinsey and any of the organizations looking at the impact of the Internet on our future economies. These reports are looking at the future of our economies, […]