Tag: Convenience

The office of the past, present and future – part…

Today’s technology doesn’t only help us do our day jobs faster and more knowledgably, it also speeds up the admin tasks that keep every good office operating well. Many workers can now do the majority of admin tasks themselves, eliminating the need for hoards of assistants and secretaries who were previously required to do everything […]

How secure is NFC?

I’m occasionally asked: ‘Aren’t NFC payments vulnerable to hacking?” and “What if your NFC phone or card is stolen? Can’t someone just run off spending your money?” My answers are simple. Firstly, anything is vulnerable to hacking if it isn’t secured properly (even smart toilets); just make sure your NFC payment method is secured by […]

From citizen to customer with eGovernment

A study from Booz and Company a few years ago claimed that electronic government capabilities are a crucial part of a nation’s technological development and that although countries in the Middle East region had started to implement e-government, there was still some way to go. Several years on we can see many of these electronic […]

Personal Cloud computing – A Luxury or Necessity?

Personal cloud applications and services are on the rise, but has it hit the mainstream audience yet? With an increased number of devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops and a plethora of other connected devices (including the growing number of smaller devices with less physical storage space), personal clouds are becoming more than a luxury. […]

How is Gemalto going to take NFC and the SIM…

As defined by the NFC Forum, ‘Near Field Communication (NFC) technology makes life easier and more convenient for consumers around the world by making it simpler to make transactions, exchange digital content, and connect electronic devices with a touch.’   I like this description as it implies that NFC makes life easier and more convenient, in […]