Tag: Microsoft

mCommerce: or pay the price

Waiting in line to pay at the supermarket, people used to pick up and read the magazines strategically placed at the checkout. Today, as the print media industry knows all too well, most of us surf the web on our mobile phone instead of flipping through the tabloids (and that’s if we even go to […]

TechEd 2012: Microsoft Focus on Cloud, Windows 8

Greetings from Orlando, Florida at the 2012 TechEd Conference this week, where the Gemalto security team is based with about 100,000 other IT pros at the conference. Here, all the buzz is around Microsoft’s cloud efforts and Windows 8 and we are getting all of the new technical education on Microsoft’s current and soon-to-be-released suite […]

Gearing up for Windows 8

We have a long-standing partnership with Microsoft and work to ensure our solutions are fully compatible with all Windows Operating Systems.  We recently participated in the Microsoft TechEd conference in Orlando, Florida, where we showcased the Gemalto one-time Windows logon with Direct Access on a Windows 8 tablet.  Gemalto pre-sales and software engineers, Matthias Büchner […]

TechEd 2012 – Were you there?

Microsoft may not be renowned for throwing wild parties, but when you gather over 7,500 people in Amsterdam for a week, you’re bound to come back with some stories. I had the pleasure of attending Microsoft’s TechEd conference last month, an event dedicated to conferences, workshops and hands-on sessions with IT professionals and developers. Nestled […]

Windows 8 – Picture Perfect?

Windows 8 launched to much fanfare last month, aiming to revolutionize both the traditional PC desktop experience and the business use of tablet devices. In the most drastic redesign of Windows since the 95 version, users are offered a more tightly-knit interactive experience than ever before. This includes some interesting technology that is not currently […]

Linking up the debate

Following my recent post on just how free America is when it comes to enterprise security and the CIO responsibility I had an interesting exchange on LinkedIn with a peer, Anders Rundgren of PrimeKey Solutions, who evolved the discussion. I like to share these conversations on our blog as I advocate the education and analysis […]