Tag: Near field communication

NFC – What’s the view on the street?

It’s official. NFC is here; but how many people know it? We commissioned Opinion Matters to carry out research that highlights the need for consumer education on NFC – or to put it correctly: Near Field Communication, as only 32% of consumers know what NFC actually stands for, while one third of respondents worry about using a mobile wallet for security reasons.

Peer to Peer payments using NFC

So far near field communication and contactless in general, have been viewed as a great way to replace cash for purchasing small value items in places like fast food restaurants, convenience stores, cinemas and the like. One less well known service is peer-to-peer (P2P) payment

The car key of the future – your NFC mobile

As you may have seen in our NFC free-running video, the potential uses for mobile contactless technology go way beyond payments in drugstores, fast food restaurants, cinemas etc. Access control is one of the services NFC phones can power, replacing employee ID badges to enter building and as reported by NFC World back in March, […]

Spotlight on the U.S.: What’s new and cool in NFC?

Near Field Communication, or NFC as it’s widely known, is playing a bigger part in our lives than ever before. You may not know it, but the past decade has seen NFC technology evolve from a distant technology specification into a real world solution for some of the most secure (and efficient) tech interactions we […]