Tag: Password

The Myth of the “Strong” Password

Which password do you think is easier for a hacker to crack – “Th3r3 can only b3 #1!” or “Hammered asinine requirements”? According to some new research from Carnegie Mellon University’s Institute for Software Research, it’s actually the former that is the weaker password.  Why?  Because the password “Th3r3 can only b3 #1!” has grammatical […]

Can anyone make security cool?

I made my first Internet purchase in 1993, a T-shirt for the nascent music-sharing site IUMA (Internet Underground Music Archive). The founders of IUMA, all from the University of California, Santa Cruz, had thought a lot about their venture, and understood many things about the Internet, the law and risk. First of all, IUMA didn’t […]

More than EMV: President Obama’s executive order paves the way…

Last week President Obama signed an executive order that is getting a lot of attention for mandating “Chip & PIN” EMV technology for all federally-issued payment cards and terminals.  My colleague, Philippe Benitez, wrote a great piece about it here. It’s understandable that EMV is in the spotlight these days as the entire nation is […]