Tag: Password

Tis the Season for… Online Fraud?

If you read the news as much as I do, you probably have seen a lot of advice about how to avoid having your financial details stolen this holiday season.  It’s true that conducting banking transactions or shopping online does make you vulnerable to cybercriminals lurking in the background.  But there are a lot of […]

What does a consumer trade show have to do with…

The 2013 International CES is, like, so two weeks ago, right?  Not only that, but as an enterprise executive, you may be thinking “that’s a consumer show, what the heck does it have to do with the enterprise?” A lot, actually. Even with 2013 CES over and done with (no one is even tweeting about […]

The Myth of the “Strong” Password

Which password do you think is easier for a hacker to crack – “Th3r3 can only b3 #1!” or “Hammered asinine requirements”? According to some new research from Carnegie Mellon University’s Institute for Software Research, it’s actually the former that is the weaker password.  Why?  Because the password “Th3r3 can only b3 #1!” has grammatical […]

Gartner recognizes growing importance of user authentication

This week industry analyst Gartner published its ‘Magic Quadrant’ study of the user authentication market, in which I’m pleased to say Gemalto was named as a leader in the sector. The report acknowledges the growing need for advanced forms of authentication and the shift away from the ‘legacy’ technology of passwords. It also includes some […]

Could your password crash the market?

As recently reported, a hacked tweet from The Associated Press sparked mass market hysteria as it incorrectly reported that President Barack Obama had been injured in an explosion. This led to a brief sell-off in US markets and a blip in share prices. Social media is fast gaining traction in the business world, with investor […]