Tag: Security

Introducing gaming security

In the wake of high-profile leaks, breaches, and hacks at large companies I took some time to reflect on my experiences as a gamer. I can’t argue that I’ve had the longest or most successful gaming career, but I certainly have enjoyed being a part of a community and ecosystem that is unique to my […]

Securing the game

There are several aspects of a game that present security challenges for the gaming experience. Developers address most of these challenges themselves because the exposures represent first order issues to be tackled during the software development phase of game production. Another reason developers have a vested interest in this layer is the fact that these […]

Securing Gamer Identities

The Internet can be a scary place or so I was told repeatedly during my PC gaming days. It was often difficult to explain to people the draw of an online community or the satisfaction of tackling a challenge with like-minded gamers. The people on the other end of maze of Ethernet cables weren’t real, […]

How to use your mobile authentication

Mobile phones are fast moving beyond communications, beyond gaming, social and productivity tools, to take on a vast number of new applications thanks to the use of NFC-based technology and data services. We’re theoretically able to unlock hotel rooms, pay for groceries, secure deals with location-based vouchers and work on the go. We can do […]

Mind Your PVQs

Bruce Schneier’s recent post in which he said that secret questions had reached a ‘new low’ may have shocked some casual observers, but for me it simply underlines a problem which is all too common. Personal verification questions (PVQs) and answers have been the de facto solution for forgotten passwords since the creation of email […]