Tag: SIM

How secure is NFC?

I’m occasionally asked: ‘Aren’t NFC payments vulnerable to hacking?” and “What if your NFC phone or card is stolen? Can’t someone just run off spending your money?” My answers are simple. Firstly, anything is vulnerable to hacking if it isn’t secured properly (even smart toilets); just make sure your NFC payment method is secured by […]

SIM wars – what does the future form factor hold?

Everybody knows there is an ongoing battle of the devices. While various incarnations of the smartphone have existed for years, it can be argued that once Apple launched the first iPhone, it ignited the current market we see, with other handset manufacturers beginning to compete and develop their own versions. Now, fan groups abound for […]

A history of the SIM card

The SIM card is a small and mighty device that has changed the face of communication since it was created in 1991. To echo the comparison Nick Keatley makes on the Wireless Banana blog, it’s a chip that has seen several iterations over the years, reducing in size from a credit card to a postage […]

Internet for all, with Facebook for SIM

In a world where millions of people rely on the Internet for daily tasks, it’s easy to forget that not everyone has instant and reliable access to the World Wide Web. Today, the Internet isn’t accessible for two thirds of the world. Unfortunately, given the low spread of connectivity projected for years to come, it’s […]

Mobile payment solutions: what’s your money on?

With consumers soon having a range of different mobile payment methods at their disposal, some may be unsure which solution suits them best. Paypal, Payzen, iZettle, Google Wallet, Square, PayWave, PayPass, ISIS and a host of others have all hit the market in recent years, giving consumers a great deal of choice when it comes […]

Facebook on your mobile – globally

Facebook mobile usage recently surpassed the number of users checking Facebook on the web. Mark Zuckerberg himself referred to the social network as a ‘mobile company’ and it’s hardly surprising given the number of users connecting on the go. With any major success story comes opposition, however, which manifests itself in cries and complaints of […]