Tag: Strong authentication

“12345” thoughts on securing access

Earlier this year, I posted a somewhat comical blog on a list of the weakest passwords being used in corporations. While we all know we will have users that use “password” for their password, it never ceases to amaze me that even with the number of recommendation and best practices available we still see major […]

Just another word or two – passphrases vs passwords

We have blogged many miles of space about the dangers of protecting your business assets with a simple username and password solution. Now there is a new trend using passphrases as a beefed up type of authentication. The problem is, there’s not much meat to this solution. Passphrases are basically a group of dictionary words […]

Forget privacy? Big Brother is watching you

Now I don’t want to be accused of fear mongering, but I recently came across a website that has an alarming amount of my personal data on file without me knowing. In fact, if you live in the US, it probably has most of yours too. I’m not averse to sharing my name; gender and […]

LinkedIn security breach: What’s your password?

Another major breach was announced in our social media world today. This time LinkedIn was the target and more than six million users are the potential victims. A Russian hacker claims the theft of 6,458,020 encrypted LinkedIn passwords and to prove it, posted the passwords on his website (thankfully without usernames). In addition, he asked […]