How online retailers can boost sales completion at checkout
Posted on 02 November 2021 by
Learn how retailers can boost the number of completed sales online, while ensuring a seamless and secure user experience with EMV tokenization.
Posted on 02 November 2021 by
Learn how retailers can boost the number of completed sales online, while ensuring a seamless and secure user experience with EMV tokenization.
Posted on 22 April 2014 by
You can’t not step outside and see how mobile usage is affecting mainstream and consumer behavior – from toddlers playing with iPads to people walking into lampposts as they fail to look up from their device when out and about. Given the tremendous increase in mobile usage in recent years, it’s hardly surprising that expectations […]
Posted on 16 April 2013 by
Law enforcement organizations looking for the best solution to move to advanced authentication and meet the CJIS mandate have received some good news: they now have until 2014. CJIS is the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS). It is the primary central repository for criminal justice information and the focal point […]
Posted on 21 December 2012 by
If you read the news as much as I do, you probably have seen a lot of advice about how to avoid having your financial details stolen this holiday season. It’s true that conducting banking transactions or shopping online does make you vulnerable to cybercriminals lurking in the background. But there are a lot of […]
Posted on 18 May 2012 by
As a PC user who converted for a short time to Mac and came back to PC, I’m used to hearing the comments from Apple enthusiasts about the superior security and lack of virus threats on the Mac OS system. I took some heat for my decision to return to a PC from my Mac […]
Posted on 27 January 2012 by
As Near Field Communications (NFC) stories spun like roulette wheels at CES in Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago, the emergence of several new devices caught my eye. For some time now, we have been blogging about NFC as the technology of choice when using mobile devices for e-payment. To highlight this point Gemalto […]