Tag: Visa

Is the US Getting Closer to Adopting Mobile Payments?

Are we getting closer to the day where we can pay for goods and services with our mobile phones?  All signs seem to be pointing to ‘yes’ with major telecom operators, card issuers and handset manufacturers on board with the idea.  Here are but a few of them. Isis, a mobile commerce joint venture between […]

From citizen to customer with eGovernment

A study from Booz and Company a few years ago claimed that electronic government capabilities are a crucial part of a nation’s technological development and that although countries in the Middle East region had started to implement e-government, there was still some way to go. Several years on we can see many of these electronic […]

Gartner highlights EMV and NFC trends in recent Hype Cycle…

In its recently released Hype Cycle for Financial Services Payment Systems report, Gartner gave warning of increasing payment card fraud in the U.S., highlighting EMV (‘chip and pin’) payment cards as the preferred solution. According to Gartner, “U.S. banks should recognize that fraud will likely increase exponentially and with little warning. They should develop an EMV-centric […]

The Truth About EMV in the US: Card-Not-Present Fraud

To continue our discussion about popular myths and misconceptions about EMV payment cards, let’s talk about card-not-present (CNP) fraud – the kind where the merchant never sees you or your card. In other words, the merchant never verifies that the person making the transaction is the legitimate cardholder by checking the signature or seeing that […]