Tag: Visa

NFC – the mobile war

As Google unveiled the Google Wallet NFC a few days ago, the search engine giant has thrown open the floor for mobile payment methods to all banking and secure transaction partners.

Can EMV Save US Banks A Billion Dollars?

Remember a few weeks ago when I applauded Visa for announcing plans to accelerate the migration to EMV chip technology and the adoption of mobile payments?  Since then, I have been struck by a few stories in the news that really drive home what this migration will mean for the United States. First, this story […]

Is the US Getting Closer to Adopting Mobile Payments?

Are we getting closer to the day where we can pay for goods and services with our mobile phones?  All signs seem to be pointing to ‘yes’ with major telecom operators, card issuers and handset manufacturers on board with the idea.  Here are but a few of them. Isis, a mobile commerce joint venture between […]