Posted on 13 December 2018 by David Bisson
A new Dutch-Belgian initiative is seeking to strengthen port security by harnessing the power of the Internet of Things (IoT). The project is called “PASSAnT,” which is short for “PlAtform for innovative Security Solutions hArbours and Terminals.” It relies on the support of the Dutch government, the Dutch province of North Brabant, the Belgian province of West Flanders and the European Fund for Regional Development Flanders-Netherlands to counter criminals who’d abuse ports to smuggle humans, drugs and explosives. The goal of the project is for the Innos innovation network to develop smart solutions that can deter bad actors at these logistical and economic hubs.
Posted on 12 December 2018 by David Bisson
Data protection is more challenging now than it ever has been. The emergence of virtualization and cloud services, for instance, has made it difficult for organizations to uniformly safeguard their information across their IT environments. At the same time, companies must contend with advanced threats that continue to grow in number and sophistication. Learn how Data Protection on Demand can help organizations with cloud HSM, encryption & key management.
Posted on 11 December 2018 by David Bisson
Many organizations are undergoing a digital cloud transformation in which they’re moving their computing resources from on-premises data centers to the cloud. Most have a blend in what’s known as a hybrid environment. Embracing such a model allows organizations to keep hard-to-move core applications in the data center and also allows them to benefit from the compliance, scalability and flexibility advantages afforded by the cloud. In this blog, we’ll talk about how using encryption key management to navigate the digital cloud transformation can reduce cost of ownership and minimize overall risks for your organization.