Blogger profile: Thales DIS

The company behind our blog. Anonymous authors and former employees are assigned the Thales DIS pen name. You are still welcome to add your comments and contact us regarding these subjects.


Blogs by this author

Save a Whale… Save your Job!

When I refer to a whale, I am referring to your boss or, in some cases, you! A whale in information security lingo is a person with significant assets or access and whaling (as outlined by Bob Violino on CIO) is but one of many types of cyber attacks that are evolving. From phishing and pharming to spear phishing, the list goes on.

3 golden rules for marketing campaigns: reach, engagement and financial…

I wanted to share with you a  video of Ralph Santana,  Samsung’s CMO,  where he  identifies the 3 key criteria for mass brands to find market success with their campaigns: broad reach, meaningful engagement and financial impact. This presentation was made a few weeks ago at Ad Age Digital Conference and made us even more convinced that mobile […]

Building a More Secure Internet

It is critical that consumers are certain that the site they visit is the one they intended to access. A new policy signed by the Obama Administration will change the way we do business on the internet.

Education: The key to security compliance

SC Magazine recently took a look at Barclays’ latest effort to inspire security consciousness amongst its staff. As employee awareness initiatives go, this is an innovative and ambitious project. In essence though, Barclays’ new strategy has at its core what many other analysts and experts have told us in the past: that encouraging proactive behaviour among staff is the key to effective security in the enterprise.

The 21st century CRM

Following our post on the benefits of the 21st century SMS, you can now learn about the 21st century CRM and the importance of permission marketing to ensure success in mobile marketing.

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