Blogger profile: Jennifer Dean

Jen manages the marketing for PKI-based authentication solutions. Based in the weird city of Austin, Texas, Jen likes blogging about all things security, but especially about challenges IT professionals face to keep systems protected without completely antagonizing users. Prior to Thales, Jen spent five years in eBanking and financial services. Likes: dogs, Bavarian hefeweizen, sitting on the beach with a good book. Dislikes: sweet potatoes. Aspires to: write a novel.

Blogs by this author

Let’s Talk PKI

PKI is a security ecosystem used by enterprises, defense and governments. Regulations, increased use of cloud-based services and the Internet of Things (IoT) are prompting a recent surge in PKI adoption.

2017: The Year of Ransomware

Ransomware is a form of malware that takes hostage of systems, either by locking the user out completely, or locking files so they can’t be accessed. In 2017, we saw a huge increase in ransomware including WannaCry and NotPetya, two massive global attacks. Large companies including HBO and KQED were also attacked.

We Are All Service Providers

The digital transformation is upon us and managing and securing an ever increasing number of devices and complexity of technologies can prove to be a huge challenge for enterprise IT. Having more digital assets leads to major headaches due to the complexity of technologies, the lack of available and affordable skills and the ever-changing security threat landscape. Many managed service providers have recognized this as an opportunity and are building business plans and service strategies to help their customers.

Facing the Fear and Securing the Internet of Things (IoT)

There are officially more IoT devices than humans in the world. And by 2020, there will be twice as many of them than us. And according to a recent study by Gemalto1, 90% of consumers said they don’t have confidence in IoT security. Furthermore, the study found that only 50% of companies have adopted a “security by design” approach, and more than half of consumers have concerns about their IoT devices being hacked or their data stolen.

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