Category: Enterprise

Why should a small town be worried about its banking…

Did you hear about the unfortunate heist in Eliot, ME in the US, earlier this month? As reported by blogger-turned-detective @briankrebs, computer crooks in Eastern Europe stole $28,000 from the New England town of Eliot in Maine. Brian Krebs alerted the town controller to the possibility that its accounts were being emptied as money was […]

Facebook Identity Theft: Do You Know Who Your ‘Friends’ Are?

As reported by @gcluley on Naked Security this week, a suspected fraudster has been charged with attempting to steal thousands of pounds from his neighbours’ online bank accounts. What makes this story particularly interesting (and also worrying) is the way in which this criminal went about gathering the information which he then used to access […]

Multi-factor authentication – the popular kid at school…

In light of all the recent cyber attacks costing companies money, reputation and customer trust, stronger security and additional layers is increasingly becoming top of the shopping list for IT professionals. But there is still some confusion as to what are the best security elements that need to be in place to provide the best […]

Welcome to Gemalto’s Enterprise Security blog

This new blog will include all of the news, views and discussions relevant to readers from large businesses. Enterprise security is becoming ever more crucial, and the subjects we’ll be covering will be important not only to IT workers or security chiefs, but indeed to everyone within large organisations.

Pros and cons of mobile tokens in authentication

I recently discussed the future of the online banking industry and how the FFEIC should shape its next set of guidelines to ensure the safety of both banks and their customers in the years ahead. However, one area which I didn’t explore in that post is the mobile platform, and the role it has to play […]

Introducing gaming security

In the wake of high-profile leaks, breaches, and hacks at large companies I took some time to reflect on my experiences as a gamer. I can’t argue that I’ve had the longest or most successful gaming career, but I certainly have enjoyed being a part of a community and ecosystem that is unique to my […]