Category: Government

“12345” thoughts on securing access

Earlier this year, I posted a somewhat comical blog on a list of the weakest passwords being used in corporations. While we all know we will have users that use “password” for their password, it never ceases to amaze me that even with the number of recommendation and best practices available we still see major […]

Multi-factor authentication – the popular kid at school…

In light of all the recent cyber attacks costing companies money, reputation and customer trust, stronger security and additional layers is increasingly becoming top of the shopping list for IT professionals. But there is still some confusion as to what are the best security elements that need to be in place to provide the best […]

Government & Healthcare Topics Ahead as Gemalto Heads to Government…

This week, Gemalto is heading to Washington, DC for the Smart Card Alliance’s annual government conference.  We will be blogging from the event and after, as there is sure to be a lot of news regarding some of the most pressing topics in government, healthcare and trusted IDs on the Internet. Some of the topics […]

Could your password crash the market?

As recently reported, a hacked tweet from The Associated Press sparked mass market hysteria as it incorrectly reported that President Barack Obama had been injured in an explosion. This led to a brief sell-off in US markets and a blip in share prices. Social media is fast gaining traction in the business world, with investor […]