Category: Online authentication

The best of the blogs in Machine to Machine

As we swiftly approach the end of 2013, we thought it was timely to look back at the some of the best blogs in the Machine to Machine (M2M) space over the past year. Technology has advanced rapidly this year with some great innovations, recognitions and promise for the future. We recently just received two […]


The office of the past, present and future – Part…

As shown by our sliding graphic below, which highlights the differences between desks of the 1980s and today, office technology has become increasingly streamlined in recent years. Today’s ultrabooks are certainly a far cry from the computers of the early 20th century. The Colossus, the first programmable computer built in 1943, was the size of […]


Facebook is 10 today – how much has changed since…

As Facebook turned ten years old today, it occurred to me that one out of every six people on the planet now has a Facebook profile. Facebook is now reported to have more than 1.2 billion users out of the world’s 7.2 billion people. This achievement is stunning, particularly when one considers that this ‘social […]

“12345” thoughts on securing access

Earlier this year, I posted a somewhat comical blog on a list of the weakest passwords being used in corporations. While we all know we will have users that use “password” for their password, it never ceases to amaze me that even with the number of recommendation and best practices available we still see major […]

Strong authentication, not ‘snail mail’, is the answer to cybercrime

In early nineteenth century England, members of the ‘Luddite’ movement protested against the onset of the industrial revolution by destroying the machinery which they believed was jeopardising their careers as skilled tradesmen. Since then the term has become synonymous with all of those who shun technological progress in favour of more antiquated methods. There is […]

Are there limits to NFC and mobile payments?

As a regular follower, you’ll have read a post on the rise of eBanking and mobile payments in the USA. You might also have crossed the Atlantic (via social media) to see for yourself whether London is NFC-ready with our Contactless Challenge – encouraging two mobile influencers to compete to complete several NFC tasks with […]