As we swiftly approach the end of 2013, we thought it was timely to look back at the some of the best blogs in the Machine to Machine (M2M) space over the past year. Technology has advanced rapidly this year with some great innovations, recognitions and promise for the future. We recently just received two prestigious awards for enabling secure connectivity in a benchmark European eCall pilot program, progressing M2M technology across the EU.
We have highlighted some of our favorite M2M achievements and bloggers this year. Let us know if there are any missing and why they’re ones to watch.
Telefonica M2M Blog – The place where M2M experts connect with you.
There are many reasons why this blog is one to follow and keep an eye on, not least for its refreshing content looking at multiple applications of M2M technology, while considering the connectivity issues behind the application. However, we may be biased as they also covered our work in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil, helping to detect unauthorized logging using our technology. M2M is all about connections, and this is a connection we’re keen to make more of in 2014. – the latest machine to machine industry news
Despite being more of a news site than a blog, it’s still the go-to for authoritative news in the M2M space. Covering topics ranging from security in M2M applications, major partnerships, perspectives on where M2M is picking up – e.g. in the automotive space – and more, it’s well worth a read and follow.
Connected World Magazine – it’s all about M2M
The interesting bit about this influential blog is that it combines the intelligence ‘the industry titans need’ with the guidance that ‘consumers crave’. Ranging from automotive to fitness devices, healthcare and fleet management to telematics, this blog highlights the benefits of M2M technology – namely a connected world.
M2M Evolution – constant coverage of the M2M ecosystem
The outlet accompanying the M2M Evolution Conference and Expo, it touches on the technology behind M2M, end users and applications (also known as embedded M2M), how to enhance your bottom line through M2M with ROI and the regulatory requirements affecting M2M technologies and their application in vertical industries. One of these is the automotive industry where we have a stake, having partnered with Audi on 4G LTE M2M connections.
And finally, – while in German, it covers telematics, the internet of things and more. The M2M space is so interesting and progressive because there are so many different applications of the technology across different countries, regions, continents and, as we’ve shown, industries. Where will the next innovations lie in M2M? mHealth? Smart transport?
The world of M2M is alive and buzzing, not least as Mobile World Congress last year had an entire section dedicated to the Connected City (and will in 2014 too). While some may consider the disadvantages of a connected world where machines play an ever greater role in our lives, the advantages are too numerous to list in this blog post. We’ll save that for 2014!