On July 25th, we published the second edition of our sustainability report. Our first edition (unveiled in November 2010) was warmly received by our stakeholders, so we have been hard at work ensuring that this year’s is even more substantial.
Although Gemalto is not a company with a particularly high carbon footprint, we still feel it’s important to minimize our emissions as much as possible. In 2009 we expanded our portfolio with eco-friendly products for banking, telecom and government customers all over the world for example, but we need to look closer at ourselves as a company. And this report contains a lot of valuable advice both for ourselves and other firms in a similar position.
In the past year we have looked at how we can reduce our environmental impact by conducting a company-wide carbon footprint analysis. This led to a number of new initiatives which are now helping us to cut our carbon. For example, to reduce our transportation impact – which represents 20% of our emissions – we have established three new dedicated task forces for 2011, which will look at ways to improve the efficiency of our incoming freight, outgoing freight and business travel.
In 2010 we also created a Responsible Purchasing Model and Charter to minimize the social and environmental risks arising from our suppliers’ operations, and to enable us to buy from responsible companies. In addition, we have designed a set of specific indicators – such as energy consumption and waste management – to help us monitor our footprint and ensure we continue to improve.
Your feedback is a valuable way of helping to improve our reporting process, so we would welcome any comments you may have on the new report either below this post, or by email straight to our sustainability team.