So it’s over for another year, how are your feet? I think we all deserve a good reflexology session, don’t you?
So what did you take away from this year’s edition aside from tablets, tablets, more tablets, mobile NFC, Android, M2M and Noki-Soft?
We spoke to Gemalto’s Telecom guru, Jean-François Rubon (Jeff to his friends), who had been trawling the aisles to see what was new and interesting in his role as our Head of Mobile Innovation.
Like many visitors he noticed the tablets and in particular those new Android releases which are hoping to be the iPad killer and also the push for lower-end smart phones for the younger market. Of course these new devices will call for an even greater bandwidth which is why many people were talking about LTE and its growth in markets beyond the USA & Japan.
Anyway, don’t take my word for it, see what Jean-François has got to say: