Recently, our own Laetitia Jay, VP of M2M marketing and services, had the pleasure of being a guest on the world famous Peggy Smedley Show. For those who don’t know, Peggy is known as the voice of M2M and connected devices and has her own show broadcast live each Tuesday at 12pm CT (US) from Chicago. Peggy’s show not only helps listeners understand connected devices, but also provides advice on how to make these devices a part of their everyday lives. In many ways, Peggy is a guide to thousands on how to get the best out of the Internet of Things.
On the show (episode 334), Laetitia was interviewed by Peggy on a variety of subjects within the M2M sphere. In particular, Laetitia answered questions on Gemalto’s position as a leader in digital security, what the main barriers to M2M and IoT adoption currently are and what Gemalto is doing to solve those challenges, what the main threats to M2M and IoT security are, what integrators and developers should be doing to secure IoT and M2M applications, and what end users need to be doing in order to secure their smart home appliances, connected cars and wearables.
Answering these questions, Laetitia provides some excellent insight into the role of end users with M2M technology, how the fragmentation of the market is one of the few legitimate barriers remaining with regard to increased M2M adoption, and how the onus of security responsibility for M2M infrastructure and end user protection lies with OEMs (original equipment manufacturer).
The full interview is available here and provides some educated predictions for the future of M2M and how we can secure the Internet of Things against future threats. Feel free to have your say; let us know by tweeting to us @Gemalto or leave a comment in the section below.