Posted on 28 May 2014 by Ken Abbott
I made my first Internet purchase in 1993, a T-shirt for the nascent music-sharing site IUMA (Internet Underground Music Archive). The founders of IUMA, all from the University of California, Santa Cruz, had thought a lot about their venture, and understood many things about the Internet, the law and risk. First of all, IUMA didn’t […]
Posted on 20 December 2013 by Thales
As we swiftly approach the end of 2013, we thought it was timely to look back at the some of the best blogs in the Machine to Machine (M2M) space over the past year. Technology has advanced rapidly this year with some great innovations, recognitions and promise for the future. We recently just received two […]
Posted on 20 November 2012 by Anvay Lonkar
What springs to mind when you think of McDonalds? Happy meals? Brightly colored fast-food chains? Sponsorship of the 2012 Olympics? Vegetarian-only restaurants in India? How about Machine-2-Machinecommunication? Surprised? McDonalds has pioneered a key business concept – extended enterprise – which is going to be the cornerstone of future M2M Communications. What is an extended enterprise? […]
Posted on 11 April 2012 by Jennifer Dean
We have blogged many miles of space about the dangers of protecting your business assets with a simple username and password solution. Now there is a new trend using passphrases as a beefed up type of authentication. The problem is, there’s not much meat to this solution. Passphrases are basically a group of dictionary words […]