Tag: Hacking

Pick a Panel, Any Panel: SXSW 2013 Lets You Decide

It’s that time again – time to decide what you want to see and hear at South by Southwest (SXSW) 2013.  Once just a local music festival here in Austin, Texas, SXSW has grown to be the biggest interactive, music and film event of the year – a must attend event on the calendar every […]


Mind your thoughts, they could be hacked

As a child, I often wondered whether my thoughts were visible to others in a cloud above my head. (I had obviously been reading too many comics where dialogue and monologues are depicted as such.) Thankfully the wisdom of age has shown this not to be true, but such an invasion of your privacy is […]

Look how mobile is driving commerce – globally

There have been quite a few stories recently highlighting the importance that mobile plays in commerce nowadays. Whether research from the Centre for Economics and Business Research showing that sales through the mobile channel on the UK’s high streets now account for every £1 in £10 spent, the news that Oktoberfest drinkers in Munich will […]

How Banks Can Fight the DDoS Wars

Last month I wrote about alarming trends in eBanking fraud, and how banks are staying ahead of fraudsters.  Some of the largest cyber threats have come from Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, so this time around I wanted to look at why these are so threatening to banks. DDoS attacks have reached new levels […]

How secure is NFC?

I’m occasionally asked: ‘Aren’t NFC payments vulnerable to hacking?” and “What if your NFC phone or card is stolen? Can’t someone just run off spending your money?” My answers are simple. Firstly, anything is vulnerable to hacking if it isn’t secured properly (even smart toilets); just make sure your NFC payment method is secured by […]

Why we can’t just rely on central databases for authentication

We now live in an age where reliable and fast information is of paramount importance in our daily lives. Whether banking, communicating, negotiating, or doing any form of business, information on-demand is crucial. Unfortunately, as we’ve become more dependent on access to on-demand banking, contact details, messaging etc., we’ve at times allowed vulnerabilities into our […]