Tag: Internet

Future gazing à la Brazilian

So, over the course of our series of posts on Digital Brazil so far we have seen the digital potential of this rapidly-expanding nation. From its fast-growing economy, the shift of more than 30 million citizens into the ‘middle-class’ income bracket and the increasing digital literacy among all Brazilians, from working classes to the rich, Brazil’s […]

Happy First Anniversary NSTIC! What’s Ahead for Year Two?

This month marks the first anniversary for the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC) here in the US. They always say, “The first year is the hardest,” but NSTIC has done remarkably well so far.  Now is a good time to look back at what’s happened in the first year, and what lies […]

Big bang data

Pick up any magazine or read any online publication and I guarantee you’ll see a reference to the Big Data phenomenon. And why wouldn’t you? The statistics speak for themselves: every day we create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data and IBM claims that 90% of the data in the world today has been created in […]

Securing Gamer Identities

The Internet can be a scary place or so I was told repeatedly during my PC gaming days. It was often difficult to explain to people the draw of an online community or the satisfaction of tackling a challenge with like-minded gamers. The people on the other end of maze of Ethernet cables weren’t real, […]

Should we trust an internet browser?

Where does trust come from? In Ericka Chickowski’s article on the future of the internet’s authentication mechanisms, she raises the debate about trust being driven by our browsers instead of through our passwords. As I wrote recently on the death of the password, I thought it important to touch upon the user’s ability to make […]

Influencing technology purchases in a super connected world

The internet influences our buying decisions. Whether in a personal or professional capacity, who doesn’t turn to the World Wide Web to look up a certain brand, product or service offering? In fact, a recent study by Nielsen in India looking at the influence of the internet on technology product purchases revealed that the internet […]