Year End Wrap-Up: Our Favorite Digital Security Moments from 2012

Happy holidays!  By now you have likely bought the gifts, sent the cards, and decorated the house.  Before we know it, 2013 will be here.  But before we look ahead to the New Year, let’s take a moment to look back over 2012.  And what a year it was!  Looking over our blogs, 2012 was […]

NSTIC, Disaster Relief Security, Healthcare Smart Cards headline last week’s…

Last week was the annual Smart Card Alliance Government Conference in Washington, D.C., which always provides a great opportunity to see our peers and learn about the latest developments in smart cards and identity management within all levels of government and healthcare. Jeremy Grant, the head of the National Strategy of Trusted Identities in Cyberspace […]

Electing new security leaders

Change is happening. We are in the process of electing a new leader here in the US, which will have global ramifications and it’s an election that is being very closely watched and followed, including on social media. However, it’s not the only important appointment that is being made – remember last month when Neville […]

Happy First Anniversary NSTIC! What’s Ahead for Year Two?

This month marks the first anniversary for the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC) here in the US. They always say, “The first year is the hardest,” but NSTIC has done remarkably well so far.  Now is a good time to look back at what’s happened in the first year, and what lies […]

Government & Healthcare Topics Ahead as Gemalto Heads to Government…

This week, Gemalto is heading to Washington, DC for the Smart Card Alliance’s annual government conference.  We will be blogging from the event and after, as there is sure to be a lot of news regarding some of the most pressing topics in government, healthcare and trusted IDs on the Internet. Some of the topics […]

Building a More Secure Internet

It is critical that consumers are certain that the site they visit is the one they intended to access. A new policy signed by the Obama Administration will change the way we do business on the internet.