Tag: Technology

Clicking with the BBC – NFC in Singapore

We’ve blogged a lot about NFC technology – from our Contactless Challenges in London, Austin and Salt Lake City to contactless payments at the Olympics and NFC-enabled transport and ticketing. Now, however, we’re delighted to demonstrate the use of NFC technology (and manufacturing) in Singapore, as reported on by BBC Click, the BBC’s flagship technology […]

The office of the past, present and future – Part…

As we leave 2013 behind us and firmly embrace 2014, many of us are making New Year’s resolutions that we may or may not keep. How many of you have resolved to get fitter, go jogging or kick a ball about in the yard more frequently? How many of you have told yourselves you’ll learn […]

Mobile payments in the UK – contactless progress

Regular followers of our blog will know we are interested in contactless payments around the world, but also in the UK in particular. We ran our first Contactless Challenge in London following the 2012 Olympics, pitting two influential bloggers against each other. This was swiftly followed by a similar challenge in the US. Now, however, […]

More than EMV: President Obama’s executive order paves the way…

Last week President Obama signed an executive order that is getting a lot of attention for mandating “Chip & PIN” EMV technology for all federally-issued payment cards and terminals.  My colleague, Philippe Benitez, wrote a great piece about it here. It’s understandable that EMV is in the spotlight these days as the entire nation is […]