Customer data monetization: it’s time for MNOs to make a…
Posted on 13 March 2017 by
A CEO of a major MNO must make a difficult choice between a protective and pragmatic approach to monetization. Can you help them out?
Posted on 13 March 2017 by
A CEO of a major MNO must make a difficult choice between a protective and pragmatic approach to monetization. Can you help them out?
Posted on 01 May 2014 by
Authentication is one of the most prominent issues facing the digital world right now. You only have to glance around the Infosecurity conference this year to witness how often the term is displayed and how intensely it’s discussed. With security fiascos such as Heartbleed still fresh in all of our minds, there’s arguably never been […]
Posted on 07 January 2014 by
It’s becoming increasingly more possible in the U.S. to use Near Field Communication (NFC) technology to make payments from your smartphone. NFC is one of the most popular and secure technologies for conducting mobile payment transactions. Over the past year we’ve seen banks, shops, and mobile operators all implementing NFC-friendly services in anticipation of the […]
Posted on 08 November 2013 by
In a world where millions of people rely on the Internet for daily tasks, it’s easy to forget that not everyone has instant and reliable access to the World Wide Web. Today, the Internet isn’t accessible for two thirds of the world. Unfortunately, given the low spread of connectivity projected for years to come, it’s […]
Posted on 24 September 2013 by
This week, September 24th-27th, is World Smart Week 2013. Three business conferences (NFC World Congress, World e-ID congress, and M2M Innovation World Congress) and one technical conference (the Chip-to-Cloud Security Forum) will run throughout the week and will be home (in Nice Côte d’Azur) to 1700 participants, 50 exhibitors and 250+ speakers. And, like last […]
Posted on 24 June 2013 by
The subject of indoor vs. outdoor mobile internet access is much debated. Currently, consumers have very different expectations when they access the internet via a mobile device indoors, and when they do so outdoors. As Dean Bubley highlighted on his blog recently, most users expect to jump through a small hoop, like ‘watching an advert, […]