Blogger profile: Marta Bordonada

Works in Marketing Communications for Gemalto's Telecom business. Blogs on everything mobile, especially events and news. Latin heritage but fan of British humor


Blogs by this author

Who to follow at Mobile World Congress 2014

If there’s one thing that attendees of next week’s Mobile World Congress can be sure of, it’s that the event will attract more than its fair share of noise on Twitter. Throw tens of thousands of mobile enthusiasts into a handful of gigantic exhibition halls together and it’s inevitable that, between them, they’ll produce enough […]

The death of SMS – but more messaging

You may have seen the headlines last week proclaiming the ‘death of SMS’ and positioning SMS as ‘old-fashioned text messages’. Well, we all know that ‘bad news sells’, so let’s look at the good news around this. Based on global predictions from Deloitte, communications aren’t dropping – quite the opposite. In fact, instant messaging is […]

The future is mobile – The Gemalto Netsize Guide is…

Last year saw the release of the 10th edition of our Netsize Guide, focusing on mobile CRM, NFC adoption and increasing SMS volumes. The 2013 edition, now available for free download, is just as noteworthy… Whereas, once upon a time, the Gemalto Netsize Guide might have been more relevant to mobile industry players, today it […]

NFC – Not For Commerce?

eBay Chief Executive John Donahoe recently claimed that NFC stands for “Not for Commerce”, when discussing Near Field Communication being used to turn cell phones into mobile wallets. At Mobile World Congress, Russell Buckley said something along the same lines. Apple has not yet backed the technology as many were expecting, but many of the […]

(Don’t) keep it to yourself: mobile cloud sharing is on…

We recently conducted a survey in Europe, Asia, South America and Africa looking at the state of back-up and sharing uptake and concerns from a consumer perspective.  We found a huge demand (and opportunity for MNOs) for personal cloud services, including sharing services. 73 percent of survey respondents said they would use sharing services if […]

Happy birthday cell phone call

Today marks 40 years since the first mobile phone call was made. Picture the scene: Marty Cooper of Motorola stood in front of a bunch of reporters in New York and used a handheld device to call the fixed line phone of Dr Joel Engel, then of Bell Labs. While it was not the very […]

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