Category: Europe

Digital Services World Congress 2013: Strategy from the top

Along with another 250 attendees from across the digital services ecosystem, I recently attended the Digital Services World Congress, organized by Informa Telecoms & Media in London. The show was split between three topics – Mobile wallet, M2M and the Internet of Things, and Global Messaging. Gemalto’s aim was to present the CloudnShare app to […]


Clicking with the BBC – NFC in Singapore

We’ve blogged a lot about NFC technology – from our Contactless Challenges in London, Austin and Salt Lake City to contactless payments at the Olympics and NFC-enabled transport and ticketing. Now, however, we’re delighted to demonstrate the use of NFC technology (and manufacturing) in Singapore, as reported on by BBC Click, the BBC’s flagship technology […]

A history of the SIM card

The SIM card is a small and mighty device that has changed the face of communication since it was created in 1991. To echo the comparison Nick Keatley makes on the Wireless Banana blog, it’s a chip that has seen several iterations over the years, reducing in size from a credit card to a postage […]

Brands prove the value of mobile marketing

We often extol the virtues of mobile marketing and the role that the cellphone can play in forging stronger relationships between brands and consumers. As with anything though, the proof lies in the pudding. That is, it’s the proof points and case studies that really make people sit up and take notice. Which is why […]

SIM wars – what does the future form factor hold?

Everybody knows there is an ongoing battle of the devices. While various incarnations of the smartphone have existed for years, it can be argued that once Apple launched the first iPhone, it ignited the current market we see, with other handset manufacturers beginning to compete and develop their own versions. Now, fan groups abound for […]

The best of the blogs in Machine to Machine

As we swiftly approach the end of 2013, we thought it was timely to look back at the some of the best blogs in the Machine to Machine (M2M) space over the past year. Technology has advanced rapidly this year with some great innovations, recognitions and promise for the future. We recently just received two […]