90% of Consumers Lack Confidence in the Security of IoT…

Consumers are increasingly adding Internet of Things (IoT) devices like smart baby monitors and web-enabled thermostats to their home networks. Driving these purchasing trends are considerations of greater connectivity, availability, and convenience. Even so, that’s not to say consumers aren’t concerned about the security of their IoT devices. No one knows that better than Gemalto. […]

RSA Conference 2016: Explore the Security of IoT

The question business leaders and information security experts need to come together to answer is how can security practices keep up? That’s the topic I’ll be covering during my presentation, Explore the Security of IoT: Trust Comes First, at RSA Conference 2016 this year.

Trends, challenges, and opportunities in IoT deployment

IoT deployment demands greater simplification, more orchestration, and the right level of security for each use case. With a projection of over five billion cellular IoT connections expected by 2028, the world of IoT is growing at a rapid pace. But what are the core trends, challenges and opportunities that lie ahead? In this article […]

Thoughts and trends at MWC: eSIMs, IoT and post-quantum

At huge events like Mobile World Congress (MWC), it’s common to feel overwhelmed by information. We attend sessions, meet new people, and take in fresh insights. But then, by the time we get back home, it’s become too much to process. The temptation can be to simply revert back to our everyday routines and ways […]